Thursday, February 16, 2012

Inside look: Os X Mountain Lion

Hello everyone,

      Today I'm exited to say that Apple is releasing a new OS after 7 months from releasing lion. Apple is making the big leap and releasing a version of their OS name OS X Mountain Lion.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Video Of the Day: Unboxing of the Magic Trackpad

Here is another unboxing. This time I'm going to be uboxing the Apple Magic Trackpad. Let me tell you guys this little device works like a charm. It really makes my life easier, specially when I'm editing photos in Gimp. Thanks again and enjoy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Video of the day : Unboxing of the Apple Magic mouse

Hello everyone today I'm going to be complementing you guys with an unboxing of another great Apple product. The Apple magic mouse. Enjoy.

Friday, October 7, 2011

App of the day: Gimp

Hello everyone. How is everyone doing today? Today I'm want to talk to you about an alternative App for Photoshop. So if you can't afford Photoshop or for some reason you don't like the overlay of Photoshop cs5, I think this program is going to be for you. The name of the program is GIMP. GIMP is a free App that you can get get from here Gimp is simple to use an you can learn how to use it from different great guides that are out there. You can also watch some great youtube videos that tell you step by step on how to use gimp and the great things that you can create with it. The best part is that is free and opensource, so you can help make the program better. Thank you guys and that will my app of the day.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Rip: Steve Jobs

                                                                       Rip Steve Jobs

                                                                   "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish"

Linux Tips:

Hello everyone !!!!!! How is everyone doing? Today I'm going to be providing you guys with another youtube video. This one is going to be dedicated to all my linux users. In this video I'm going to be showing you guys how to convert Ogv video format to Avi. Also stay tuned for my next upcoming video. Thank you and God bless.

Linux tips:

Hello everyone. Here is a short video on how to install windows 8 developer preview. This is an easy way to enjoy and try the developer preview of windows 8 without having to mess up your current operating system.